
Speciality Mobile Clinic

Speciality Mobile Clinic

The Department of Homoeopathy, Government of Kerala initiated the idea of speciality mobile clinic with a view to provide easily accessible health care to people then and there on demanded. This idea saw light in the month of August 2015.Pampanar specialty mobile clinic covers the panchayaths under Azhutha and Kattapana blocks of Idukki district. This clinic works with the co operation of Local self government members,health workers, clubs, kudumbasree units , anganawadis etc Large number of people in these areas are

The Tribal Mobile Medical Unit

The Tribal Mobile Medical Unit

The Tribal Mobile Medical Unit (TMMU) of Homoeopathy functioning among the tribal settlement areas in marayoor, kanthalloor and chinnakanal panchayats in Idukki district reveals that they are illiterate and very poor, totally ignorant of basic principles of health, sanitation and hygiene, following their own custom, and uncared for the future. Deficiency diseases, use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are common. Female members shoulder the burden of family maintenance. Old people are neglected and unattended. Hence, health and sanitary education,

Floating Homoeo Dispensary

Floating Homoeo Dispensary

Government Floating Homoeo Dispensary Project Alappuzha Floating Homoeo Dispensary project is an innovative step from the department of homoeopathy Kerala, to bring health care services to the people of kuttanad and certain waterlogged and backward areas of Haripad. Kuttanad is a place of scenic beauty full of lakes and lagoons, small islands, green paddy fields, marshy lands and it lies below sea level. And kuttanad is one of the famous backwater tourist spots in Kerala. This water bound marshy area is prone


De addiction clinics Under Seethalayam project of Dpt. Of Homoeopathy started working in all distrcts of Kerala since August 2012.These clinics provide cost effective treatment for Alcoholism and related illnesses and other substances use disorders. The treatment methods included Homeopathic medicinal therapy, Individual and family counseling, Yoga therapy. Since it’s inception these clinics had treated thousands of patients in OPD and hundreds in IPD ,with alcohol use disorders, tobacco and other substances use disorders.After that they are returned to productive

Temporary Dspensaries

DISTRICT DISPENSARY DESCRIPTION Thiruvananthapuram Kurissumala Theerdhadanam 8 Days medical aid at Kurissumala Varkala Sivagiri Theerdhadanam 8 Days medical aid at Varkala during the month of March Attukal Ponkala 3 days medical aid atAttukal during February/March month Aryasala Navarathri 11 days medical camp at Aryasala during the month of October Kollam Oachira Vilakku Mahotsavam 12 days medical aid from vrischikam 1-12 at  Oachira Kattil Mekkathil Kshetram Mahotsavam vrischikam 1-12 medical camp on alternate days only at Chavara Pathanamthitta Sannidhanam Mandala-Makaravilakku Medical aid (November 15-January 15) atSabarimala  Pamba  Mandala-Makaravilakku Medical aid (November 15-January 15) atSabarimala Maraman convention 8 days medical aid (Feb 2nd wk) at

Speciality Clinics

The speciality clinics are intended to be focused treatment for specific diseases such as : Allergic respiratory ailments. Diabetes mellitus. Rheumatic diseases . Pediatric ailments. Thyroid disorders. Cancer. Ano-Rectal diseases. Geriatric ailments.  

Comprehensive Health care

Homoeopathy department, Health and family welfare, Govt. of Kerala is rendering health care through 669 dispensaries, 13 district hospitals, 17 taluk hospitals and 325 Temporary Homoeopathic dispensaries were started till 2010 under NRHM Scheme in the state 29 SCP Dispensaries in scheduled caste dominant areas

Chethana – Pain & Palliative Care

CHETHANA – Palliative Care Project of Dept of Homoeoepathy. Chethana – The palliative care is an approach which aims at improving the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life threatening illness, through an integrated approach and takes into consideration their physical and psychological needs of patients and their family members. The Department of Homoeopathy has started palliative care units in all district level hospitals which are also secondary referral units. The palliative care units in


Sadgamaya is the child centric project of Department of Homoepathy.It aims at managing problems of children below the age of 19 years. It focuses mainly on managing health problems, behavioral and learning disorders of children. These disorders are rising phenomenally in our country.Many of these children and their families undergo great mental trauma and loss of productive years as they fail to understand and manage these problems properly. Sadgamaya through a wide network of dispensaries and hospitals and in collaboration with gramapanchayats and


Life style diseases are very much advent in current days.There are the diseases which are resulting out of an improper relation ship that has been built between nature and man.With an aim to eradicate and resist these life style diseases Homoeopathic medicine link with naturopathy and yoga to form a new mode of treatment termed as “ Ayushman Bhava”. In the modern times life style issues has become a threat to the whole man-kind by giving rise to ‘n’ number physical

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